
I am just another individual on her voyage of self-discovery.

I have days; introvert days – where even the best of psychiatrists won’t be able to tell what’s going on in my mind, and extrovert days – where I am a force of nature, unstoppable. I hear they have a fancy term for people like me – ambivert.

I like organizing – my timetables, notes, files, journals are colour coded according to their level of importance; but my room is nothing short of a sophisticated junkyard. I love exploring in fresh air. I love walking down unassuming streets, meeting curious people and traveling through the length and breadth of world’s exquisite cultures and languages. But I spend most of my time comfortably curled up in a warm blanket, on a throne of pillows with a good book and a strong cup of mint hot chocolate. I am a feminist but I won’t support gender based reservation. I believe in Narendra Modi but I also find him very much like Napolean from George Orwell’s Animal Farm. 

What I am trying to say is, I’ve lived most of my folded between the pages of my favourite books, etched in the inky curves of my favourite quotes. In absence of connections with the people around me, I’ve learned walking in the shoes of my favourite fictional characters and pouring my heart on the side-margins of old parchment. My world is an interwoven web of grandiloquent words, contrasting beliefs, complicated relationships and unapologetic rebellious creativity.

Maybe 5 years down the line I’ll write a better introduction to myself, a more definite and concrete answer as to Who Am I. Perhaps, not even then.

But right now,
in this moment
I am an 18 year old woman
on her resplendent voyage
of self-discovery.


~ The Scrawlyst

(Header Image Courtesy: Tumblr)

Instagram: @thescrawlyst

Twitter: @SparkAuror

LinkedIn: Prerna Somani (somani.prerna96@gmail.com)

40 thoughts on “About

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  1. I love your paragraph about living through books. It reminds me of a quote by my favorite author, Tahereh Mafi, “I spent my life folded between the pages of books.
    In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.” Keep on writing! 🙂


  2. I very much appreciate the time you have taken to visit my blog and to follow me. Thank you.

    I have a pithy interest in the marvels our tiny planets offers us as well as the often glorious antics its inhabitants get up to so you can be sure I shall catch up with what you’re doing as often as I can.

    I look forward to our next encounter.


    PS Take a look at my new book, Swell, here https://rivenrod.wordpress.com/writing/

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